OK… They are not a birthday classic! Classics are those famous sandwiches made with white bread, butter or sour cream….
OK… They are not a birthday classic! Classics are those famous sandwiches made with white bread, butter or sour cream and slices of gherkins or half-moon shaped ham on top –sandwiches that were afterwards put on a tray and cheese was grated over them. Those were inevitable snacks at birthday parties long time ago when we (today grown up and serious people) were children.
Since every period of time has its food specialties, today’s children prefer flavors of different cuisines that have taken over our streets and restaurants. The taste of Italian pizza is definitely the most popular one. When you turn that flavor into mini snacks for birthday parties, one day – when the child is all grown up – maybe he/she will remember exactly those mini-pizza pies. Just as nowadays we remember those sandwiches with gherkins and cheese…
1 packet filo pastry
2 Moja Kravica sour cream
200 g of ketchup
300 g of ham
600 g of mushrooms
500 g of the Moja Kravica Kuhinjica cottage cheese
200 g Imlek “Iriski” cheese
2 eggs
Separate packet of filo pastry in 12 sheets. Plan is to use them to make 2 rolls. Firstly, slice and cook mushrooms and start layering the first roll…
Sprinkle the first two sheets only with water and oil, on the third spread ½ of the Moja Kravica sour cream, and on the next 150g of chopped ham. Cover the fifth sheet with 100g of ketchup and little bit of oregano, the sixth with 250g Moja Kravica Kuhinjica cottage cheese and on the last sheet spread 300g of cooked mushrooms. Now roll it up and then make another one.
Put two rolls on a tray and put them in a freezer for 1 hour so that afterwards when you take them out, it is easier to cut them. Cut them into thin slices and place them on a baking pan. Blend 2 eggs with 1 cup of sour cream and brush the top of mini pizza pies with it. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 C. After 15 minutes take out the baking pan, grate the Imlek “Iriški” cheese over the mini-pizza pies and put back in the oven for another 10-15 minutes while the cheese melts. Mini pizza pies can be served both warm and cold.