The Diocese of Raška-Prizren received donation for purchase of cows and heifers.
Gračanica, September 22, 2015 – The Imlek Company continues tradition of corporate social responsibility of providing help to individuals and communities, by donating financial aid to “Majka Jugovića“, the charity organization of the Diocese of Raska-Prizren that has been actively helping people on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.
The “Majka Jugovica“ charity organization, in cooperation with the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, used the donation of the Imlek Company to provide the local Serbian people with cows and heifers with the purpose of satisfying the needs of the local Serbian people.
“Corporate social responsibility means not only the production of safe, healthy and high quality products that are delivered to consumers daily, but also taking part in humanitarian projects that are of great importance for our company. This donation is one of many activities that the Imlek Company is engaged with in order to help the underprivileged. Our goal is to provide help to those in dire need and to inspire other companies to do the same. “, said Marija Malović, Public Relations Manager at Imlek.
The Certificate of Appreciation for the donation and humanitarian activities of the Imlek Company was handed by His Grace Bishop Teodosije of Raška-Przren and Kosovo-Metohija.
The Imlek Company is a socially responsible company that understands the needs of local communities and supports initiatives of social significance through regular donations and humanitarian activities.