Imlek and Direktna Banka donated funds for the purchase of the necessary respirators


Belgrade, March 25, 2020 – Imlek and Direktna Banka were among the first to respond to the call of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and provided funds for the procurement of 10 respirators needed for the treatment of patients with the most severe forms of Covid-19 disease. Respirators, seven of them provided by the company Imlek and three donated by the Direct Bank, will be deployed in health centers throughout Serbia.

Representatives of Imlek and Direktna Banka said on this occasion that socially responsible business is an integral part of their business culture, which includes all employees, users, and associates. Imlek's responsibility is reflected in the fact that the company has deployed production employees to work in shifts to normally supply the market with milk and dairy products, while other employees work from their homes, all to protect their health and the health of the entire community.

Direktna banka, even in extraordinary circumstances, provides continuous support to all its clients and employees, taking maximum preventive and hygienic measures in its business premises, with adjusted working hours of branches and organization of work from home. The Bank supported the Decision of the National Bank of Serbia to implement temporary measures to preserve the stability of the financial system, thus provide its clients with the possibility of delays in repaying obligations while providing relief for all users aged 65 and over. To prevent and protect the health, Direktna Banka advises all its clients regularly to use digital services, such as e-banking and m-banking applications, payment cards, as well as whenever possible, and whenever possible for them. ATMs.


For additional information, contact the media:

Imlek: Marija Malović,; 064/8780555

Direktna Banka ad Kragujevac: Marija Ramić,; 061/310 9395

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