A sports adventure in Kopanik with Balans+ Protein


Balans+ Protein provided the necessary energy to professional and amateur athletes during the GSS ski cross race organized by the Mountain Rescue Service, which each year gathers a large number of rescuers and winter sports fans from the region and the rest of Europe.

The energy that the participants needed for the tough races was provided by the Balans+ Protein choco shake, which has an increased level of proteins, compared to all other dairy products. Apart from choco shake, the Balans Plus Protein product palette is made of yogurt and sour milk, which are enriched with 100 percent natural milk proteins. Proteins are the basic building blocks of all the cells in the body, especially of muscles. Their role is to renew and build muscles, and at the same they are an energy source during big strains, which is why they are of essential value to amateur and professional athletes.

“We are very pleased that, with the brand Balans+ Protein, we have supported this great race which promotes sports and healthy living. With Balans+Protein dairy products, each professional and amateur athlete will be able to get their increased daily dose of protein, which will provide them with the necessary energy and muscle tissue regeneration after different sports activities”, highlighted Marija Malovic, Regional Public Relations Manager at the Imlek Company.

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